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[蜜蜂养殖] 翻译|新西兰蜜蜂外来病虫害监测报告(1)(14.7月-15.6月)

小蜜蜂 发表于 17-3-1 10:11:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 小蜜蜂 于 17-3-1 10:15 编辑

        蜜蜂外来病虫害监测由艾希亚公司(AsureQuality Ltd)代表MPI(初级产业部)进行的,它包含了多方面的项目:
•欧洲幼虫腐臭病(病原为蜂房球菌Melissococcus plutonius
•亚洲地区蜂螨(亮热厉螨Tropilaelapsclareae和柯氏热厉螨T. koenigerum);
• 海角蜜蜂 (Apismellifera capensis); 及
•其他外来蜜蜂属 (例如东方蜜蜂的亚种,中华蜜蜂Apiscerana);  及
•蜜蜂病毒如以色列急性麻痹病毒 (IAPV)。




Honey bee exotic pest and disease surveillance report
This report summarises surveillance activities for the year 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.

Honey bee exotic disease surveillance is conducted by AsureQuality Ltd on behalf of the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). It is a multifaceted programme consisting of:

• hive inspection and sampling;

• maintaining records of beekeepers, apiaries, hives and bee diseases in an apiary database;

• carrying out beekeeper extension and education;
• screening and investigating exotic bee disease enquiries; and
• reporting on activities and findings.

Surveillance is conducted for the following exotic honey bee diseases and pests:

• European foulbrood (Melissococcus plutonius);
• small hive beetle (Aethina tumida);

• the parasitic fly (Braula coeca);

• tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi);

• Asian mites (Tropilaelaps clareae and T. koenigerum);

• African and Africanised honey bee (Apis mellifera scutellata);
• Cape honey bee (Apis mellifera capensis); and
• other exotic Apis species (e.g., the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana); and
• bee viruses such as Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV).
Hive inspection and sampling

The hive inspection and sampling programme has three components:

• high-risk-area inspection and sampling;
• sampling of adult bees from apiaries supplying bees for export; and

• investigation of suspect exotic honey bee diseases.
High-risk areas

Throughout New Zealand, 19 geographic areas – 12 in the North Island and

seven in the South Island – have beenclassified as high risk because they have the greatest potential for entry of exotic honey bee diseases and pests. They include ports, airports, Transitional Facilities, cities and tourist destinations, and areas of high hive concentration (e.g., kiwifruit-growing areas). Four

of these high-risk areas (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin) have received further analysis and had “elevated risk zones” identified within the high-risk area. In these four areas, at least 50 percent of targeted apiaries are located in these elevated risk zones.

The target is to inspect and sample a total of 350 apiaries from the high-risk areas. All hives in each apiary are:

• inspected for signs of exotic bee diseases and pests, with any

suspicious bees or larvae and pupae and suspect life stages of small hive beetle and Braula being taken for testing and lab diagnosis;

• sampled by taking at least 80 bees from each hive and testing some for internal mites using the tracheal sectioning method; and

• tested for external mites by applying a 24-hour miticide treatment and a sticky board.

In total, 339 apiaries were inspected as part of high risk site surveillance, against a target of 350 apiaries. These apiaries were all inspected by Authorised Persons

– Level 2. The target was not reached because many of the apiaries selectedno longer had live bees in them. Varroa appeared to be the main reason for the large number of dead hives; it should be noted that a lot of these hives belonged to relatively new hobbyist beekeepers who lacked both experience with and knowledge of varroa control. Beekeepers are also reporting that the treatments are not effective and there is some anecdotal evidence that the varroa mite is developing resistance to the miticides used.


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