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[蜜蜂养殖] 翻译|新西兰蜜蜂外来病虫害监测报告(完)(14.7月-15.6月)

小蜜蜂 发表于 17-3-3 11:28:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 小蜜蜂 于 17-3-3 11:31 编辑

内容接上期 “新西兰蜜蜂外来病虫害监测报告(2)”-------------------
   在这12个月期间,艾希亚公司养蜂业技术顾问们 (ATAs)被邀请参加了养蜂业余爱好俱乐部、养蜂业会议及商业养蜂者等许多可以大显身手的活动。顾问们利用这些机会,向他们提供蜜蜂外来病虫害的信息。此外,我们的贸易伙伴正越来越多地要求,对出口活蜂无病状态提供更高的担保。为帮助提供这个担保,顾问们在鉴别养蜂业的病虫害方面,培训了“有检查资格的养蜂者”。

   从艾希亚公司维护的一个蜂场数据库中,可以看到新西兰养蜂企业的信息。截至2015630号,共有5551名养蜂者,34476个蜂场, 575872群蜂。新的养蜂者以一种创纪录的速度,仍然在进入这个行业。截止到630号,在这12个月中,新注册了1082家企业。几乎有34%的养蜂者经验不到2年。这凸显了对于外来疾病的识别提供持续培训的必要,这种培训对增加该监测项目的灵敏度至关重要。

作者:托尼 罗柏  艾希亚公司 蜂业技术顾问  (完)

Beekeeper extension and education

As in previous years, five articles were written for publication in The New Zealand Beekeeper magazine, onsurveillance issues relating to exotic bee pests and diseases and their relevance to the NZ beekeeping industry. These articles covered Africanised bees, the Asian honey bee (Apis cerana) and

the Asian mite (Tropilaelaps sp.). An overview article is published at the beginning of the field season, outlining the plan for the current season and drawing particular attention to changes from previous years. At the end of the field season a summary article is writtenreporting on the results of surveillance activities.

During the 12-month period, AsureQuality Apiculture Technical Advisers (ATAs) were invited to a number of hobby clubs, beekeeping meetings and commercial beekeeper field days. ATAs take these opportunities to provide information on exotic pests and diseases of honey bees. Additionally, our trading partners are increasingly requiring greater assurance of the disease-free status of exported live bees. To help provide this assurance, ATAs train Inspecting Beekeepers (who clear apiaries for export) in the identification of apiculture pests and diseases.

Apiary database

AsureQuality Ltd maintains an apiary database that contains information on beekeeping enterprises in New Zealand. As at 30 June 2015 there were 5 551 beekeepers managing 575 872 hives on 34 476 apiaries. New beekeepers are still entering the industry at a record rate, with 1 082 new registrations in the 12 months to 30 June. Almost 34 percent of beekeepers have less than two seasons of experience. This highlights the need to provide ongoing education about exotic disease identification, which is paramount to increasing the sensitivity of the passive surveillance programme. Educating the industry in the identification of exotic pests and diseases greatly increases the chances of finding an incursion sooner. This is because vastly more hives can be inspected by an educated industry than by targeted surveillance at high-risk sites.

It is a legal requirement that all beekeepers are registered and provide the location of their apiaries. Apiaries are geo-referenced, which enables planning of detailed disease surveys. Beekeepers are required to inspect their hives annually and report any cases of American foulbrood (Paenibacillus larvae larvae) and suspect exotic honey beediseases. They must also furnish a return each year updating all apiary records and stating that their hives have been inspected.
Technical development

To maintain technical development of the surveillance programme, relevant national and international literature on surveillance techniques and exotic bee diseases and pests was reviewed. Additionally, the annual half-day

technical meeting was held for apiculture officers as part of their training.

AsureQuality Ltd maintains a group of apicultural technical experts who are competent in bee disease recognition and control.

Tony Roper

Apicultural Technical Adviser AsureQuality Ltd


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