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本帖最后由 stephaniexj427 于 2013-5-3 13:23 编辑
words are like bees, they have honey and a sting.——言语象蜜蜂,有蜜也有刺。
The very small brains of bees are still good enough to recognise different human faces, new research has discovered.
Adrian Dyer, an Australian scientist working at Cambridge University, has trained a troupe of bees to recognise different human faces by rewarding them with a sucrose solution when they visited a particular photograph.
Other photographs visited by the seven bees bore only a bitter quinine solution and the bees, despite having brains the size of pin heads, were able to remember the sweet faces, even when the pictures were mixed up and after a gap of two days.
Five of the seven made a beeline to the sucrose faces even when the solution was removed, ruling out the possibility that their sense of smell was responsible.
Mr Dyer, 38, of the university's department of plant sciences, said that research had been going on into whether or not the human brain required specialised regions to process faces reliably.
"I thought it would be interesting to know whether a miniature brain would be able to solve a face recognition task," he said, adding that he chose bees as they were more motivated and hard-working than other insects.
两天之后,研究人员将所有的照片混合起来。研究结果令人惊喜,尽管蜜蜂大脑的体积只有大头针那么大,但它们却记住了能让它们得到糖水的那张照片。7只蜜蜂中的5只竟然直接飞到了它们曾被奖励了糖水的那张照片,而实验室里的糖水却早已被研究人员移走,这就排除了蜜蜂是根据对糖味的嗅觉而找到那张照片的可能性。 对此,戴尔表示,研究人员之所以选择蜜蜂而不是其他昆虫来进行此项实验,是因为蜜蜂比其它昆虫更加积极和辛勤地劳动;此外,研究人员还想知道大脑体积如此微小的蜜蜂是否能够完成诸如识别人类面孔这样复杂的任务.