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研究人员在迄今发现的最老的蜜蜂化石上找到了几个花粉颗粒,George Poinar和Bryan Danforth在本期简报中报告的这些化石的年代是1亿年前,也就是白垩纪的早期。其他已知的蜜蜂化石比这次发现的要晚3500万到4500万年。这种名为Melittosphex burmensis的蜜蜂很小,只有2.95毫米长,但是它们表明,现今蜜蜂所具有的许多特征在1亿年前就已经出现了。这些蜜蜂是在缅甸北部的琥珀样品中发现的,它们具有现在蜜蜂的几种特征和形态结构包括分叉的毛,研究人员认为这种毛与采集花粉有关。当然,蜜蜂是重要的传粉媒介,这个化石意味着蜜蜂在白垩纪早期到中期开花植物快速多样化上可能起了作用。
Bees are among the most important insect pollinators. The origin of bees, with their numerous morphological and behavioral adaptations for pollen collection and transport, contributed to the rapid inversification of angiosperms in the Early to mid-Cretaceous.
Understanding the role that bee pollination played in angiosperm diversification requires an accurate estimate of bee antiquity as well as an understanding of the early evolutionary history of bees.
family: Melittosphecidae fam nov
Type genus: Melittosphex
Type species: Melittosphex burmensis
species: Melittosphex burmensis sp. nov.
插图:Melittosphex burmensis。a)标示特征的腹面观;b)蜜蜂化石腹面观;c)根据化石中可观察到的细节以及现代蜜蜂的特征重建的头部复原;d)后腿节上分叉的细毛。
Melittosphex burmensis. (A) Ventral view of fossil with key features labeled. (B) Photograph of fossil as seen in ventral view. (C) Reconstruction of head based on details visible in fossil and information from modern bees. (D) Morphology of branched hairs on the
hind femur.
A Fossil Bee from Early Cretaceous Burmese Amber
G. O. Poinar Jr. and B. N. Danforth
27 October 2006, Science 314, 614