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2017年3月21日 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
得克萨斯州奥斯丁 - 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的研究人员发现,与一组未经处理的蜜蜂相比,用普通抗生素治疗的蜜蜂在治疗后一周的存活率只有一半。
最新的研究表明,过度使用抗生素有可能会使生物机体,包括人类的病情加重。 —— 附原文: Overuse of Antibiotics Brings Risks for Bees — and for Us Scientists found that a common antibiotic cleared out beneficial gut bacteria in the bees, making way for a harmful pathogen, which also occurs in humans, to get a foothold By University of Texas at Austin | March 21, 2017
Honeybees treated with a common antibiotic (pink dots) were half as likely to survive the week after treatment compared with a group of untreated bees (green dots). AUSTIN, Texas — Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have found that honeybees treated with a common antibiotic were half as likely to survive the week after treatment compared with a group of untreated bees, a finding that may have health implications for bees and people alike. The scientists found the antibiotics cleared out beneficial gut bacteria in the bees, making way for a harmful pathogen, which also occurs in humans, to get a foothold. The research is the latest discovery to indicate overuse of antibiotics can sometimes make living things, including people, sicker.